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Displaying items by tag: kefalonia living tours

Wednesday, 06 July 2022 14:32


How many days does it take to visit Kefalonia? You may not like the answer: many, many more than you are likely to have available. Not only for the size of the island and therefore the large number of beaches, villages and postcard views not to be missed, but also because a holiday in Kefalonia can become a state of mind: the island should be savored slowly, between a coffee and a souvlaki, because its relaxing atmosphere is even better than its exceptional beaches.

Published in Blog (en)

Donkeys trudging along steep cobblestone streets, blue and white houses, bougainvillea pergolas, elderly people with sun-baked skin playing tavli (backgammon) sitting outside a tavern ... in the collective imagination, the Greek islands are all the same. Kefalonia is the best place to realize how different this tourist representation is from reality. A few days will not be enough to visit this corner of paradise! Beaches washed by turquoise waters, pine forests and aromatic plants, picturesque fishing villages in pastel colours overlooking the sea… The largest of the Ionian islands offers a lot to those who want a holiday in contact with unspoiled nature but also to contemporary history enthusiasts.

Published in Blog (en)

Asini che arrancano su ripide strade di ciottoli, casette bianche e blu, pergolati di bouganvilles, anziani con la pelle cotta dal sole che giocano a tavli (backgammon) seduti fuori da una taverna… nell’immaginario collettivo le isole greche sono tutte uguali. Cefalonia è il posto migliore per rendersi conto di quanto questa rappresentazione turistica sia diversa dalla realtà. Non vi basteranno pochi giorni per visitare quest’angolo di paradiso! Spiagge bagnate da acque turchesi, boschi di pini e piante aromatiche, pittoreschi villaggi di pescatori dai colori pastello affacciati sul mare. La più grande delle isole Ionie offre moltissimo a chi desidera una vacanza a contatto con una natura incontaminata ma anche agli appassionati di storia contemporanea.

Published in Blog (it)
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